Sunday, 26 January 2014

It's Time To Go........

When we arrived in Hawaii, our driver presented us with orchard leis (you might remember from a previous post).  When we got to the hotel, we 'layer' them around the room over the light shades and the corners of the TV.  They lasted beautifully until our last day when they started to look a little like this.

It was than we realised that it really was time to go.

We've had a fabulous, fun filled holiday.  We've been blasted by an 'Arctic Vortex', and struggled with subzero temperatures, 'Michelin Man Jacket Syndrome' and oddly enough prickly heat rash.  We shopped in the funky little corners of New York, visited a record number of museums in Washington DC, promenaded up and down 'The Strip' in Las Vegas and witnessed some of the biggest waves in the world in Hawaii.

As always, I like to finish each blog with 10 new things I've learned:

1. Always pack less than you think you'll need..... it doesn't matter how many times I write this in the "things I've learned list" I still pack way more than necessary.  I'm a "what if?" type of packer. I feel like I need to take things with me 'just in case'.  I'm getting better at this and hopefully after a few more trips, I'll be down to the bare essentials.

2. It's ok to take time out by yourself.  Even when you're travelling with other people, you don't need to be in each other's pockets 24/7.

3. Always learn the basics in the local language, it's noticeably appreciated.

4.  If you are able to find your favourite toothpaste at a quarter of the cost you have to pay for it at home, it's ok to by 12 tubes.

5. Be nice to kids sitting next to you on the plane.  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer..... also, their mum and dad will appreciate it.

6.  Las Vegas is beautiful at night and looks broken during the day.

7.  It doesn't matter how early you get to the airport or if your bags get checked in first, it does not mean that you will get all your bags at your destination.

8.  Hawaii is more beautiful than people say it is.

9.  Elvis Presley made 31 films as an actor.  I really only loved Blue Hawaii, so I didn't know about the other ones.

10. Traveling with old friends (and family) is awesome. 

 Mahalo, Aloha and Noho'ana Hau'ole

Until next time......

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